
Thursday, September 5, 2013

My Journey To Civilization

My Journey to CivilizationMy conduct path can be considered as a journey of an individual finished a desert in search of the correct the path towards civilization As I journeyed further into the desert , I became more than grand and highly dependent on water . I stick let out off to rely on coconuts in to cut through this reproachful situation to be able to achieve my consequence which is purpose civilization During my travel , I became more lost as the dessert s vastness continued to envelope me that do my close seemed impossible to reach . But when I came crossways an harbour , a place filled with water and food for archetype , I immediately took advantage of the available resources that I temporarily forgot round the purpose of my journey After a bandage , I confine realized that staying in the oasis c an never pander my hunger and thirst for civilization So , I determined to conquer my fear of the desert and pursue my goal . Because of persistency , I was able to find civilization that I substantiate been searching for so longI chose the desert as a symbolism of my t single because it represents vastness and uncertainty which are both characteristics of action . These qualities of the desert have perfectly described my introductory manners . The oasis refers to the challenges that I have been through in my life . At the same time , the oasis in like manner stand for the biggest struggle that I have produced which was when I managed a gym that I decided to let go collectable to some pecuniary setbacks . Meanwhile , civilization is the correspondence of my goals and aspirations in life . Reaching one s goals can be make through perseverance and hard work resulting to a more contented and happy existence . I chose this doctrine of analogy of life and desert becau se both demonstrated ambiguity and indetermi! nateness .
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hatful may be able to draw out lessons in their travel in the dessert but someways globe continue to be consumed by their dilemmas towards achieving their individual civilizationsAn substantial delegate concerning people s life is their defining moment . This is historic because of its capableness to influence people which path or perplexity they pass on take . In my case , one of my defining moments is when I found out I could no longer steer the gym due to some financial issues . The context undersurface the analogy is that my interest and affiliation with the physical fitness industry was simply temp orary and it was not really what I valued to do in my life . However , this experience was not a several benefits from it . In fact , it until now became a particle accelerator for my realization that this profession was not truly meant for me but it was more of a preparatory logical argument towards my future endeavorsThis realization brought me to other defining point in my life which was realizing my true craft and profession . It took a while before I estimate out what I wanted for my professional life . I have never thought that I would land a job with...If you want to get a full essay, effect it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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