
Sunday, May 12, 2019

Paper on Career and Job Search Issues Mod 3 Assignment

Paper on C arer and Job Search Issues Mod 3 - Assignment Exampledays is the work-life balance so that they are satisfied with their jobs and are productive enough to make valu satisfactory contributions for the organization (Connolly and Gregory, F53). Employees, especially genius parents, are looking for some additional benefits in their jobs in the form of family-friendly policies such as conciliative working hours, time off from work during pregnancy, compressed schedules, child tutorship, and working from home, among others (Rose, 457 Urban Child Institute, 1).The future job seekers, particularly those who charter young children, are aggressively looking for those jobs that will guarantee them work-family balance. Women, who are performing the role of single parents, have to bugger off jobs that will help them in fulfilling their childs responsibilities and avoiding any type of conflict between work and family (Lopez, Madrigal and Pags, 2). Hence, the job search websites h elp these women find the best jobs that are compatible with their requirements (Bender, Donohue and Heywood, 480-82).The employers need to provide some information about the benefits that they will cater to the job applicants so that they have an idea about the level of work-family life balances will they be able to afford. Since most of the women are looking for jobs that they can do from home, they can even gather information from them on various websites, such as Career Builder and Career Search Database. However, organizations need to consider providing such employees who are looking for flexible working hours some job opportunities even if these employees are employed as full-time, then they should be given some child care facilities so that they can prosper in their career as well.Realizing the need of work-family life balance, the organizations are providing their employees, especially single parents, the option of availing the child care facilities so that they can smoothly progress in their career simultaneously. There are three websites that have provided

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